Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Vintage goes Modern with Groupon
We are moving forward in technology while remaining true to our vintage roots. Today, Vintage Wings launched a 'Groupon' campaign offering a discounted price for individual and family memberships. While the revenue value of such a deal is not necessarily a win-fall the benefits of attracting new customers does.
Here how it works. Visit today or tomorrow (23, 24 Feb, 2011) to view the feature deal. It won't be up after the offer is complete. Read about the deal and click on Buy if you wish to purchase or renew your membership. Soon after a nice friendly message is sent to your email address letting you know your coupon is ready for redemption. Come in before 31 May to redeem your coupon and la voila, you are part of the VW family (again, for some).
So why did we do it. First and foremost, Vintage Wings is following a social media trend, similar to blogging and Tweeting to get our name out in certain social circles and attracting more customers in a demographic that we would not normally target through conventional means such as aviation magazines or the old fashion word-of-mouth technique.
There's no telling how well social media will work but you simply don't know until you try. In the business of PR and communications, I try everything, which allows me to make an honest evaluation of tools available today to communicate. Like the telephone and later mobile phones and Internet, this form of technology is truly here to stay. Not just a fad as some hesitant onlookers once decreed.
Over the course of the next two days while our deal is "hot" we will be able to track who bought the deal and make a valued assessment of this demographic. Thus far we have sold 16 offers to clients since the deal was launched close to three hours ago. Not bad for kicking off National Aviation Day.
Stay tuned as the results trickle in. Or perhaps come flooding in.
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