Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Air Show kick-off: first meeting of the season has occurred!

On Fri, March 30, 2012, air show executives and volunteers gathered from far and near to cluster in the Vintage Wings board room for the first air show meeting of the season.

Tips and tricks from last year were reviewed, as well as lessons learned. Each team leader spoke about his/her plan for this year with any changes.

The major difference to the show this year is the transition to a two-day show: Sat, Sept 15 and Sun, Sept 16, will both see a breathtaking display above the Gatineau Airport.

As per last year, Vintage Wings will also hold a member’s-only  BBQ and Twilight Air Show Friday evening, Sept 14.

If you are interested in volunteering at the Wings Over Gatineau-Ottawa en vol air show, come on out to our Volunteer Training Day, Sat, May 12th at the hangar at 9:00am.

Until then, start crossing fingers and toes for spectacular weather in September!

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